I hope you will let me know if you have any special requests.
Thank you,
Heidi Elizabeth McGurrin
I grew up curious about the shadows, what I heard, apparent, nearby and seemingly forbidden. I wondered about indigenous peoples, their beauty, their poverty, social injustice, near and faraway. Curiosity spurred my questioning about my family roots and myself in relationship to the world I was born into. I am a Photographer, a Writer and a Painter. I create public Mural Art Exhibitions with children of many cultures. I have exhibited widely and was honored in 1998 by Congressman Sam Farr who presented my Cuban exhibition in the Cannon Rotunda on Capitol Hill. My Art is inspired by Cuba, Haiti, Brazil, Chiapas, Mexico, Chile, Guatemala, Inca lands of Cuzco, Peru and Bolivia, and photographing and writing stories for Los Medicos Volodores, (The Flying Doctors). Beauty for the eye to rest, wonder .... an exquisite presence from the unfamiliar. Using memories from a deep place inside of me.
I hope you will let me know if you have any special requests.
Thank you,