Heidi Elizabeth McGurrin
As a child growing up in San Francisco, my great grandmother Jane Gallatin Powers painting studio nestled above the sand dunes in the eucalyptus groves on Carmel Beach, planted a seed in my mind.
My mother told me about her own little Arabian horse Canary who she rode through those white sands and dark cypresses, often family picnics and gatherings on old family lands.
My Photography and Paintings have been exhibited at the Monterey Peninsula Museum, the Carl Cherry Foundation, The Center for Photographic Art, and the Ansel Adams Gallery. My work has been featured in Books, Magazines, and on Jazz Album covers.
I have exhibited in Galleries and Museums and presented my Cuban Portfolio in the Cannon Rotunda on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.
watercolor/oil pastel
watercolor/oil pastel
watercolor/oil pastel
watercolor/oil pastel
watercolor/oil pastel
watercolor/oil pastel
watercolor/oil pastel
watercolor/oil pastel
watercolor/oil pastel
She has specialized in photographs which evoke the spirit and lifestyle of indigenous people. She has exhibited and been honored by Congressman Sam Farr who presented her Cuban exhibition on Capitol Hill. Heidi has spent time photographing in Cuba, Haiti, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Guatemala and Chiapas. She translated and photographed for Los Medicos Volodores, {The Flying Doctors} in Sonora and Baja, and spent time in Inca lands, in Cuzco, Peru and Bolivia. She is a painter, a writer, and teaches poetry and art to children. Her story and her person will be included in the upcoming documentary film, 'The Westerfeld House of Legends', directed by Matt Alavi. Included aremany Artists and Musicians who were part of the Summer of Love in San Francisco in the fifties and sixties.